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We are working For a Stronger Future

Mitaş Industry part of a Mitaş Group company, operates on energy transmission and distribution, telecommunication, renewable energy, lightning and engineering and manufacturing of masts and structures for transportation superstructure on a global scale.
Mitaş Doku
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We bring Innovation And Rational Solutions Together

Mitaş Industry has been working since 69 years with the most innovative solutions to meet ever-changing needs. Our goal is to serve people a more reliable and sustainable living opportunity with our perfect engineering designs and high quality, accessible products.

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Mitaş Industry With Numbers

  • 1
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300 Million USD+

300 Million USD+ 

Annual Sale Revenue
12 Number of Facilities

12 Number of Facilities 

200.000  MT

200.000 MT 

Annual Production Capacity
69+ Operation Year

69+ Operation Year 

3.000 + Number of Employees

3.000 + Number of Employees 

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Powerful Background of 70 Years

1955 Mitaş Metal Construction Inc. was Established

Company started the journey in Ankara with the aim of developing the country's energy transmission and distribution infrastructure.


Wide range of products and services in various fields such as energy, telecommunication and structural fasteners.


The World

Mitaş Doku


Mitaş Industry works for a sustainable future by adopting an integrated corporate sustainability management approach with social, environmental and economic aspects.

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