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Social Responsibility

We aim to provide guidance to our employees and business partners.

Social Responsibility

We aim to provide guidance to our employees and business partners.

Social Responsibility

We adapt to the industry and the geography we live in

Mitaş Industry Code of Ethics draws a comprehensive framework for Mitaş Industry employees and stakeholders, particularly on issues such as human rights, anti-bribery and anti-corruption, economic sanctions, prevention of conflict of interest, occupational health and safety, confidentiality and protection of insider information.

Within this framework, compliance projects are carried out in order to respond to the rapidly changing needs of the sector and geography in which we operate and to stakeholder expectations at local and international levels.

Ethics Reporting Line

An "Ethics Reporting Line" has been established to report situations that violate the Business Principles by internal and external stakeholders. All notifications coming to the Ethics Reporting Line are processed on a confidential basis within the scope of KVKK. The applicant's information is kept confidential. Notifications are reviewed within the framework of the principles of confidentiality, objectivity and honesty.